Jean-Pierre K. N’Guessan (RMP)

Since November 2012, Jean Pierre N’Guessan has been the manager of the West African Network for Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria (WANETAM), headquartered at IRESSEF in Senegal. He has over 22 years of experience managing development projects. Passionate about research management, Jean-Pierre is innovative and responsive to the changing business environment. He has contributed to various fundraising campaigns and grant proposal writing for several projects in West Africa. 


In addition, Jean Pierre is also a motivating figure and catalyst for the younger generation. In this role, he has mentored talented young Africans, most of whom now play distinct roles in various companies.

Jean-Pierre is Certified in Leadership (CIBL), awarded by the International Institute for Executive Training (iIET) and in Research Management (RMP) awarded by the International Professional Recognition Council (IPRC). Since his RMP certification, Jean Pierre has been fully committed to promoting research management as a profession in Francophone West Africa and beyond.

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